Tag: Fantasia

Fauns, Centauresses, Unicorn Donkeys and Italian Symbolists

Before Christmas, I wrote something about Kay Nielsen and in that piece I mentioned an old Disney Project that never was: the famed Musicana, a sort of new version of Fantasia that would have had music from around the world. It was a beautiful project and you can read all about it here. Some of […]

Fall and Winter: stop motion and other experiments in Walt Disney’s Fantasia

Well, it’s around three o’clock on my blog’s clock, which for some reason is set on London time, and we’re approaching the moment when the oldest ladies would fall asleep. I am one of the oldest ladies. But I kept you company so far, and we’re missing just one pieces in our exploration of the […]

Dancing Mushrooms: more Fantasia backstories

Edit: for some reason, this article became quite popular. The comment section is closed, but you should read this: it’s a comment from a Chinese-American reader, drawing the attention to the cultural controversy surrounding this particular piece, which is still staged in a very harmful way. An addictional section on the article summarizes my answer […]

Iconography of Fairies, Disney’s Fantasia and other stuff

In few days time, for our Sunday story, I will publish something about Disney’s Fantasia and, in particular, something around The Pastoral Symphony, originally intended to be a more obscure mash-up between a French ballet and a Russian opera. It is only fair, however, that I dedicate another post to the most Christmassy piece of […]