Tag: BIM

Industry Foundation Classes: risorse per capirci di più (o quantomeno per capirci qualcosa)

Che io non sia una fan del formato Ifc è cosa nota e risaputa ma purtroppo, per parafrasare una nota massima quantomai attuale riguardante la democrazia, per quanto possa fare schifo è ancora il formato migliore che abbiamo (principalmente perché è l’unico). E siccome avere i dati anche in formato aperto è un’indiscutibile necessità, non […]

AEC Data Model API: an introduction

Autodesk announced lots of news during last October’s Autodesk University and, though some of them weren’t really new, we do have some interesting development, especially on the cloud services. You can find the full list here. Since I am bound to forget to look into it or forget that I’ve looked into it altogether, I’ll […]

The Autodesk University Journal – Day 3

Ok, so, my phone died after the last day of Autodesk University, which means I lack some of the resources to craft this post properly, but I don’t want to leave some awesome things unmentioned, so you’ll get this for now and then I’ll do something better as soon as I’m back. What was my […]

The Autodesk University Journal – Day 1

Well, my class came and went and it was awesome. Not the delivery, I mean — I’ll leave that judgement to the participants — but I had a blast delivering it and my audience was wonderful. I think I was really able to articulate the key points between the complexity of designing for climate change, […]

Conferenza Esri Italia 2024: qualche highlight

La prossima settimana sarò a Roma e in particolare tra l’8 e il 9 maggio mi troverete alla conferenza di Esri, che quest’anno si prospetta particolarmente ricca di incontri. Mentre organizzo l’agenda, ecco alcuni degli highlight. Data Science e Intelligenza Artificiale Esri è sempre stata all’avanguardia sulla scienza del dato e non possono mancare numerosi […]

Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM360 docs: is your licensing in order?

I know I haven’t posted about BIM and technology for a while, but this was too good to overlook and I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey. As many of you know, I’m mostly an Autodesk user, and I’ve been writing about their technological solution for a Common Data […]