Category: art

#MerfolkMonday: the Mermaid Passage at Harvington Hall

Harvington Hall is a moated medieval and Elizabethan manor house located in the hamlet of Harvington in Worcestershire, England. Its moat and artificial island trace back to the 13th century to, and the 14th-century building still survives behind a layer of bricks. The hall was owned by several notable figures over the centuries, including Adam de […]

#ChthonicThursday: Maximilian Pirner

Maximilian Pirner (1854–1924) was a Czech painter and one of the leading figures in the Vienna Secession, a significant movement in art and design that emerged in 1897. At its core, the Vienna Secession was a rebellion against the academic art establishment, which was dominated by historicism and rigid standards: the artists involved sought to […]

Fuorisalone 2024 – La guida futuristica del venerdì

Dove andiamo oggi? Beh, potremmo andare a vedere alcune delle installazioni aperte da lunedì oppure alcune di quelle che hanno aperto martedì o mercoledì, ma eccovi due eventi che si svolgeranno esclusivamente nella giornata di oggi. Eventi del giorno Opposites United: Intersections Beyond Boundaries Dove: Museo della Permanente Quando: l’installazione rimane aperta dal 15-21 Aprile […]

Fuorisalone 2024 – La guida futuristica del giovedì

Dove andiamo oggi? Beh, potremmo andare a vedere alcune delle installazioni aperte da lunedì oppure alcune di quelle che hanno aperto martedì o mercoledì, ma eccovi l’evento del giorno. Valorizzazione del territorio e connessioni tra arte e realtà virtuale Dove: AnciLab, Via Rovello, 2 Quando: giovedì 18 Aprile, 10:00 – 12:00 Accesso gratuito su prenotazione […]

Harry Siddons Mowbray, “The Marriage of Persephone” (1895)

The artist of this painting was born at Alexandria, Egypt, from English parents but he spent most of his childhood in American after his father died and his mother moved closer to her family. He was adopted by his aunt after his mother died too, in a freak domestic accident. He came back to Europe […]

Piero della Francesca and the Saint Augustine Altarpiece (reunited)

Piero della Francesca was born in Borgo San Sepolcro, Tuscany, in 1412. This will be important later. After spending decades honing his craft, he was hailed as both a great mathematician and an unparalleled painter, celebrated for his mastery of light and space. If we understand anything about perspective, we owe it to him. If […]