Day: October 20, 2021

#BIMpill – Gerarchia delle normative

Dato tutto l’entusiasmo per la menzione delle norme tecniche all’interno del decreto ministeriale 312, vale la pena di rispolverare un mio vecchio pezzo di lezione che pesca dal lavoro della ISO/TS 12911: 2012 per ricordarci che tutte le norme sono uguali ma alcune norme sono più uguali di altre. La norma ci porta l’attenzione sulle […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Livia Drusilla

Livia was the influential and powerful second wife of the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar out of her second marriage. She was his adviser and eventually she was declared a goddess by her grandson emperor Claudius. Before meeting Augustus, she was married to one Tiberius Claudius Nero, a politician and the actual father of future emperor […]