Tag: A.A. Milne

A.A. Milne’s Winter Tale (2): in which a house is built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore

Well, there’s a second winter episode in the Winnie-the-Pooh books and, as you might expect, it’s in the second book whose original title is The House at Pooh Corner. The book was published in 1928 and was still illustrated by E.H. Shepard: the stories featuring Tigger are in this second book. The chapter in question […]

A.A. Milne’s Winter Tale (1): in which Pooh and Piglet go hunting and nearly catch a Woozle

One of my favourite episodes from the Winnie The Pooh first book (which is called just like that) is set in winter and I like it because it’s extremely silly but also extremely wise, like our favourite bear: it’s a tale about how often we chase our own tail just because we get too worried […]