MK7 – Reading tips
As you might have seen on social media, for our seventh edition of the MasterKeen for BIM specialists we have an extraordinary enrollment, this semester: 45 students. This is clearly not going to stop my brave ringmaster, Simone Pozzoli, who’s leading the course program. For my module teaching BIM I have lots of new things cooking (of […]
As you might have seen on social media, for our seventh edition of the MasterKeen for BIM specialists we have an extraordinary enrollment, this semester: 45 students. This is clearly not going to stop my brave ringmaster, Simone Pozzoli, who’s leading the course program. For my module teaching BIM I have lots of new things cooking (of course we’ll face the ISO 19650 with a brave smile on our faces), and of course you know that I can’t share all of what I’m doing in that course, but I can share something. As I did for MK6 and MK5, I am giving students a little assignment focusing on a title of their choice. They can:
- read a book;
- watch a movie;
- watch a tv series;
- play a videogame;
- listen to a concept album.
Yeah. I’ve added music.
Their choice will result in three customized lessons, specifically tailored, on tangent topics of digitization, technology and innovation.
Eager to know what they’l choose, meanwhile I share with you the selection of titles. Enjoy!