Month: October 2021

#BIMpill – Le 8 inefficienze dell’architettura

Nella pillola di questa settimana, le 8 inefficienze di architettura e design individuate da Matthew Rosenberg per il Boston Real Estate Times: troppi intermediari; carichi di lavoro irrealistici e schizofrenici; bisogni della comunità che rimangono inascoltati; alto tasso di imprevedibilità dei mercati connessi all’architettura; burocrazia; politica; riduzione dello scope; proprietà intellettuale. In quali ci riconosciamo? […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Julia Agrippina

Agrippina was the daughter of general Germanicus, a popular guy, and the youngest sister of future emperor Caligula, a far less popular guy, but she’s mostly famous for being the mother of emperor Nero. And we all know how that one went. She’s given credit for several assassinations in order to grant his son the […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Octavia the Younger

Octavia was the eldest sister of Augustus and the fourth wife of Mark Anthony, whom she married by decree of the Senate in 40 b.C. The approval of the Senate was necessary because, at the time of the marriage, she was pregnant with her first husband, senator Gaius Claudius Marcellus, one of the most vehement […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Κλοιλία

Cloelia was a woman who was allegedly taken hostage, along with other Roman women, by the Etruscan king Lars Porsena during his war against Rome around 508 b.C. In some other versions, instead of being taken hostage, she was given by the Romans as a tribute. Regardless of the version, it is said that she […]

#BIMpill – Gerarchia delle normative

Dato tutto l’entusiasmo per la menzione delle norme tecniche all’interno del decreto ministeriale 312, vale la pena di rispolverare un mio vecchio pezzo di lezione che pesca dal lavoro della ISO/TS 12911: 2012 per ricordarci che tutte le norme sono uguali ma alcune norme sono più uguali di altre. La norma ci porta l’attenzione sulle […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Livia Drusilla

Livia was the influential and powerful second wife of the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar out of her second marriage. She was his adviser and eventually she was declared a goddess by her grandson emperor Claudius. Before meeting Augustus, she was married to one Tiberius Claudius Nero, a politician and the actual father of future emperor […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Πουλχερία

As narrated yesterday, Pulcheria was the sister of Theodosius II and the one who had preceded him as Empress on the throne of Costantinople while he was coming of age. She was a central political figure throughout all her life and was crucial in trying to resolve the theological conflict between the archbishop of Constantinople […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Aelia Eudocia (Athenais)

Aelia Eudocia (Athens, 401 – Jerusalem, 20 October 460) was the wife of Byzantine emperor Theodosius II. She was born from a Greek philosopher and was educated in rhetoric by her father, a wealthy nobleman of Athens. The story goes that Athenais took upon herself to manage the household and raise her two brothers, when […]

Madeleine de Scudéry’s Femmes Illustres – Volumnia

Volumnia was a noblewoman and the mother of the Roman general and rebel Gaius Marcius Coriolanus. According to Titus Livius, she disapproved of her son’s rebellion against Rome and was ultimately successful, aided by her daughter-in-law Volumnia, in visiting her son’s camp and convincing him to desist in his will to launch an attack against […]