#AdventCalendar: Medieval food

As many of you know, the novel I’m working on has flashbacks from Tudor times, and some characters come from that Era. I have a ton of notes of stuff which didn’t make it into the book and it’s customary for me to do a daily post throughout December, leading up to Christmas, so this […]

As many of you know, the novel I’m working on has flashbacks from Tudor times, and some characters come from that Era. I have a ton of notes of stuff which didn’t make it into the book and it’s customary for me to do a daily post throughout December, leading up to Christmas, so this year I thought I’d be naughty and give you a recipe a day. A couple of them will be a throwback from last year, but most of them are taken from three main sources:

Though I can’t guarantee consistency, I’ll try to balance recipes with stories and references, and make sure you have a whole menu should you wish to go medieval on your family’s ass this Christmas. Stuff will be published here and on the Patreon.

The only stuff I can cook comes from that book.

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