
I searched for this on the blog and nothing popped out, so it might have been during 2011, also known as The Year of the Great Black-Out (browse blog history on the right if you don’t get it). You’ll have to take my word for this: I have actually been a fan. Seriously. Ok, not […]

I searched for this on the blog and nothing popped out, so it might have been during 2011, also known as The Year of the Great Black-Out (browse blog history on the right if you don’t get it). You’ll have to take my word for this: I have actually been a fan. Seriously. Ok, not a hardcore fan, but in all the gazillion of comic books series about God and the Devil, Preacher ranks in my top 5.
Therefore I was excited when I heard about the tv series. Spoilers in white as usual. RSS feed readers be warned.


Now, if you haven’t read the comic books, allow me to make a disclaimer: Preacher is something coming out from the minds of by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, and therefore is not a reading for sensitive people. It’s graphical, to say the least, and with the specific mission to get to your stomach. It’s about one Jesse Custer, former thug and now useless preacher in a small mean town of southern USA, who gets possessed by a semi-angelic, semi-demonic child-like entity named Genesis. This entity empowers him with “the voice”, i.e. the power of having people do whatever he tells them to do, taking him literally, no matter how crazy and self-destructive the instruction might be. To spice things up, Jessie gets reunited with his former adventure pal and girlfriendTulip O’Hare, a lady who knows how to make a bazooka with duct tape and a can of beans, and enjoys doing so. As if this wasn’t enough, the couple travels with Cassidy, an alcooholic Irish vampire. Their goal? To find God. And I don’t mean it in the metaphorical sense.

Preacher is a series of 66 issues (no kidding) plus an additional bunch to reach 75, and was written over e span of 5 years, from 1995 to 2000. It has a rich pantheon of surreal characters, both from the natural and the supernatural world, a dark setting and even darker twists. It’s gonna be fun to see how they’ll be able to keep up with it.

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