December, 1st: how did that happen?

I swear it was November last week. Well, ok, technically it was, but how did that happen that we turned around and it was already the first day of December? Usually around this time of the year, I do the Advent Calendar on my Patreon and blog (see here for 2023, here for 2022, and […]

I swear it was November last week. Well, ok, technically it was, but how did that happen that we turned around and it was already the first day of December? Usually around this time of the year, I do the Advent Calendar on my Patreon and blog (see here for 2023, here for 2022, and here for a general round-up of stuff on the blog) and this means I already have all 24 posts lined up and prepared and ready to fire. This year… well, this year I have nothing. It’s going to be some catch-as-catch-can and I apologize again for being a little absent, especially on the Patreon.

Good news is maybe we’re coming out of the Social Media winter, as Bluesky seems to be really gaining momentum. You find me here.

Other news includes the fact that I’m almost done with the last big round of revision on my novel. This one is mostly around the lore, as I’m going full-in on the concept of blood and liminal magic. But I’ll try to get into detail later in the month. For now, keep an eye out this evening for the first feature of this year’s ghost stories for the Advent Calendar.

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