A Basic Plot: Overcoming the Monster

Well, since we’re about to enter the spookiest season and since I’m after all writing a Gothic novel, I thought I could start with one of the oldest tropes in the world: the story in which the hero overcomes a hideous monster. According to Christopher Booker and his Seven Basic Plots, this is not only […]

Well, since we’re about to enter the spookiest season and since I’m after all writing a Gothic novel, I thought I could start with one of the oldest tropes in the world: the story in which the hero overcomes a hideous monster.
According to Christopher Booker and his Seven Basic Plots, this is not only one of the older plots but perhaps the oldest: the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is often considered the earliest written story in the world and revolves around the journey of our hero to the lair of the great and evil Humbaba, to whom we own the ruin that’s fallen over Uruk. Our hero confronts the monster and, as it usually happens, he wins.
But what constitutes this trope and why do we find it appealing?
Let’s try and find out.

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