Tag: Tudor

#AdventCalendar Day 3: Bisket Bread

The recipe is taken from Thomas Dawson’s The Good Huswifes Jewell (1596), and it’s for a variety of long-lasting bread that was usually not particularly tasty, and it’s called this way because it’s cooked twice, like a biscuit. Alternative versions and an amended, modern one are available on this page. Ingredients: 450 grams of flour; […]

#AdventCalendar Day 2: Capons in Dorre

The dish is also known as Capons in Dorre, and it features in MS Pepys’ Gentyll Manly Cokere (1490). You can read the original here, alongside some translations. Grind blanched almonds, temper them up with clear water and stir until it starts to look like milk. Strain the mixture, place it in a pot and […]

#AdventCalendar – Day 13: Wynkyn de Worde, Christmas Carols and a boar’s head

Well, yesterday some of you people protested when I wrote that the brawn is probably something no one would cook, and I’m glad because I kind of like the stuff, but you have forced me to double down with another traditional Tudor Christmas dish: the boar head. Wynkyn de Worde, most likely a pseudonym, was […]