Tag: Giovanna Garzoni

Fede Galizia, the child prodigy

Milano, around 1578 – Milano, 1630 Daughter of the miniaturist Nunzio Galizia and born around 1578, Fede started working at 12 and she’s mostly known for her still lives, though she also worked on the human figure and religious subjects. She started working very early in her father’s workshop, and her first attributed work is […]

Giovanna Garzoni: painter and natural scientist

Ascoli Piceno, 1600 – Roma, 1670 Considered the most prominent miniaturist of the Baroque Era, Giovanna Garzoni distinguishes herself for the production of still lives, parchments painted in a particular style called “a guazzo” and swift impressions in guache that almost seem to come out of another era. Her style alone would make her interesting […]