The Shrimp-Prince

I received a very nice rejection, yesterday, detailing why the agency can’t undertake representation of my project and prompting me to submit more works in the future. I know it might be a form and all, but it was a nice form nonetheless. Back to business, this means you get another fairy-tale and this time […]

I received a very nice rejection, yesterday, detailing why the agency can’t undertake representation of my project and prompting me to submit more works in the future. I know it might be a form and all, but it was a nice form nonetheless.

Back to business, this means you get another fairy-tale and this time it’s free for all: it’s another original translation of a story by Guido Gozzano, a late-XIX-Century Italian symbolist poet, and it features the story of a Prince who gets cursed to… go backwards. He walks like a Shrimp, even when he’s on horseback, and most importantly he starts rejuvenating. Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s short story “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (you might remember the movie) is from 1922, while this story is from around 1901.
Weird, right?
The same theme of a man aging backwards can be found in the 1989 science fiction novel Hyperion by American author Dan Simmons, in which the structures known as “Time Tombs” are pockets where time runs backwards.


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