No time for a test! We got our first rejection

Yesterday on my Patreon (and today on the blog) I wrote what I was going to do each time I got a rejection to my query for an agent to represent my novel, which is gifting an eBook to all my middle and upper-tier Patrons every time that happens. I promised I was going to […]

Yesterday on my Patreon (and today on the blog) I wrote what I was going to do each time I got a rejection to my query for an agent to represent my novel, which is gifting an eBook to all my middle and upper-tier Patrons every time that happens. I promised I was going to make a test to see if the encoding I’m using works for everybody.

Well, there’s no time for the test!

One of the (two) submissions I sent yesterday already got a faster-than-light rejection that had to do with my personal profile.

This means we can test the system with a free book!

The book is a short one, the one I was preparing for the test, and it’s an original translation of a fairy tale written at the beginning of last century by an Italian symbolist poet, Guido Gozzano, and it features:

– a beautiful girl who’s cursed to be lighter than air;
– the Prince of the Fortunate Islands who’s cursed to be heavier than lead;
– a group of grateful helpers;
– a good fairy;
– three evil fairies in their castle.

The first section will shortly be up for 1st level tiers.

The eBook in two formats will be up for 2nd and 3rd levels.

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